21F, I didn’t know if I was ready

“Please take your seat and fasten your seat belts…” I was listening to the announcement while sitting on the seat 21F (as usual) and watching the Prague airport from the window. The plane was ready to take off. I didn’t know if I was ready.

My feelings

The feeling of excitement on one side and a fear on the other side accompany me everytime. When I buy a flight, I cannot wait to go for a new adventure. I am enthusiastic about the upcoming journey and even during it I keep the enthusiasm. On the other hand, few days before the departure I start to feel nervous and scared and it lasts till the arrival to my new destination. Before leaving I need to pack – that’s not really my favourite part – and it always seems all my things will never fit into the luggage. With the packing I start to realize the change that will happen soon.

The change

You may think that I should be used to the changes of location or lifestyle. The fact is that you can never prepare yourself for what will come. You just need to step out from your comfort zone and take that risk. The risk that maybe the things will not be how you imagined or that everything will be harder than you thought it would be. Personally, I can say, I have never regreted any change I made. I always adapted. Sometimes it’s easier, sometimes it’s harder. Sometimes it takes longer, sometimes not so long. You need to be patient. It’s always worth it.

I left again

Anyway, I still cannot believe how fast two months that I spent home passed. So yes, you understood well, I left the Czech Republic again. I bet you’re not suprised. You know that my heart is full of wanderlust. And finally – as I’ve wished for a long time – I’ll avoid a part of the cold Czech winter (which till now wasn’t so cold anyway)! So what is my plan? Let me tell you from the beginning.

My new destination

On Sunday I had a flight from Prague to Málaga, Spain. It took 3 hours and 20 minutes. My new destination is not Málaga though, it’s Granada. It’s a beautiful city I visited last March (maybe you have read my article “My heart around the world“). During my seasons in Mallorca and Menorca I met some people who live there, so I decided to take the opportunity and spend there the following three months. The good thing is that I have a place to stay. I just don’t have a job yet.

New challenge

It’s actually the first time I went abroad without having any job pre-arranged. I take it as a new challenge and I hope I’ll be able to find some job here. Meanwhile I want to travel, I want to visit new places in Spain and I also expect to improve my Spanish skills, meet old and new friends and learn new things. Like I said before, my plan is to spend three months here. After that I need to go back home to see my family and to re-pack my luggage in order to be ready for the next animation season. I hope to return to Menorca, to the hotel from the last season. Nothing is agreed or confirmed yet but I’ll keep you informed about it. The plans can always change, you never know.

Stay tuned

While being in Spain – travelling and/or working – I’ll definitely keep writing my blog. I hope to share with you my experiences and stories or maybe some tips where you should go or what you should see. Every Tuesday you can expect a new post. Stay tuned.

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