Interview: Living in Menorca vs Barcelona

How is living in one of the Balearic islands? How much does it cost to live in Barcelona? Where is better food? Where are more opportunities?
This time I asked my Spanish friend Clara a few questions. Clara is 19 years old, she comes from Menorca and that’s also the place where we met. During the summer she was working at the reception in the same hotel as me. In October she went to Barcelona in order to start her studies at the university. After finishing my animation season in Menorca, I decided to visit Clara in Barcelona and it was a perfect opportunity to ask her few questions.
Clara, you come from Menorca. Can you tell me something about the island and about your town?
Yes, I come from Menorca. It’s a small island where you can find a lot of natural landscape and many beaches with crystal clear water and white sand. I live in the town called Ciutadella. It used to be a capital of Menorca. It’s not very big; you can walk all around the town in just 10 minutes. We have a lot of monuments and old streets where you can find the well-known palaces of the aristocracy.
How would you describe living there?
Living in Menorca has its good and bad things. What’s good is that you have peace and tranquility. You know each person that lives here. You can easily get by car anywhere you want in a quite short time. On the other hand, we cannot do much during the winter, most of the hotels, restaurants and shops are closed so we can hardly get a job. It’s also very cold and windy (there is a strong north wind of Tramuntana).

Why did you decide to go to study to Barcelona?
I have decided to go to Barcelona because it is a big city and I wanted to study at a good university. In Menorca we have only one university and I couldn’t study tourism there.
How is living in Barcelona? Can you compare it to the life in Menorca?
Well, living in Barcelona and in Menorca is so different. At the beginning it was a huge change for me because I have been living in a small town for 19 years and now I live in an enourmous city with a lot of traffic and different kinds of people. It takes me 30 minutes by underground to reach the school and if I want to visit my friends from Menorca who live here, it takes me almost an hour.
What is the cost of living in these two places?
Barcelona is too expensive. I have to pay a lot of things every month – 306 € for the rent, 100 € for transport ticket, then food and my personal things. At the end of the month I have expenses of around 400/500 € apart from the rent. Menorca has much lower prices on everything.

What about the food? Is it better in Menorca or in Barcelona?

The food is definitely better in Menorca. We have many typical dishes that can’t be compared to the food here in Barcelona. There is a lot of variety when we refer to food in Barcelona, but you can’t compare it to the good traditional menorquin meal.
Where would you prefer to live in the future?
If I have to choose between Menorca and Barcelona, I would prefer to live in Menorca. But my plan is to travel and live in another place (Germany is on the first place).
What exactly do you study and what kind of job would you like to do?
Like I said before, I have been studying tourism. With this field of studies I can work on different hotel positions, for example as a head reception manager, housekeeper, maître, hotel director etc. That’s also what I would like to do, to work in a hotel.
Where do you think you have more opportunities to find a job in the hotel?
I think that in Germany I would have a great opportunity to find a job as a hotel director.
As we all know, the Catalans were fighting for their independence. How do you look at that topic? Did it have any impact on you?
I disagree with their thoughts. I think that we don’t have to fight for economical or political reasons. Also, they didn’t do it as they should. They have made a referendum for the independence that was illegal. Of course, the whole situation had an impact on me. Because of that, I for a month I didn’t have many classes at the university. Also during some classes they were saying that Spanish people are not good. I personally feel Spanish, so for me it was quite disrespectful.
In Barcelona people speak mostly Catalan, in Menorca you speak a dialect of Catalan called Menorquin. Can you explain what kind of language Catalan is and what the difference between Catalan and Menorquin is?
The main difference between Catalan and Menorquin is the pronunciation and some words. When I first arrived here, Catalan people from my class didn’t understand me but now they have learnt some words and we can talk without any problem.

Do you have anything else you would like to say?
I hope that your readers enjoyed this interview.
Thank you.My last question that my female readers could be interested in, where are more handsome men?
In my opinion there are more handsome men in Barcelona!! 🙂
Thank you for your interview, Clara. I hope to see you soon!

My dear readers, I hope the interview was interesting for you. In case you have any questions or suggestions for next posts, don’t hesitate to write it to the comments.
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