Year Compass

Last year my friend Juta showed me the booklet called “Year Compass”. Because it was a bit late to write a post about it, I would like to share it with you now. I hope it will give you some inspiration.
So what “Year Compass” actually is? It’s a free booklet that you can download in different languages. This booklet consists of some questions that help you look back over the past year and plan the year ahead of you.
Year compass 2016 2017

But why am I telling you this? Maybe you know that at the beginning of a new year I always think about the previous year and also set goals for the following year. Last year I wrote a post calledNew year – new goals, if you haven’t read it yet, you can check it 🙂

Anyway, I found the idea of the “Year Compass” very interesting and useful, so I’d recommend you to print it and stop for a while to fill it in. You can take it as a ritual that you will do at the beginning of every year. This booklet will guide you through the various fields of your life. It will make you think really deeply about your previous year as well as the following year.

You will completely evaluate the past year, the decisions you made, the lessons you learnt, the risks you took, the goals you completed, the people you met, the things you are grateful for, the moments you experienced. When you will be done, you will continue with planning the next year. You will write down your dreams, define the most important aspects in your personal and professional life and you will set all of your goals.

I do hope that this post will motivate you to fill in the booklet or at least to define new goals. Take some time just for yourself, I’m sure you will appreciate it one day.

At the end I want to wish you all the best for 2017. Have a fantastic year full of love, happiness, success and adventures!

I would like to thank you for reading my blog in previous years and I hope you’ll keep reading it also in 2017. New adventures are on their way so don’t miss it!☺

Many hugs and kisses.

Lucie ♥

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